15 oktober 2014


First of all, my excuses for the lack of posting lately. With the beginning of my last year in college, a lot of things had to be done. And throughout those busy moments my mind didn’t come up with ideas anymore. But finally I’m back in my old routine. Again with a lot of ideas and interesting features. So stay tuned!

For a school project, I was able to sniff around in the warehouse of a recycle store. The deal was that everything I took with me, I had to give a new life. Instead of taking something broke, what would make the challenge easier, I took a vintage item.

My eyes almost directly fell on a lamp and a bit later I found the exact same lamp again but unused and still in a box. After coming home I realized that it was an infrared light. It has a function that is not

contemporary anymore so I could completely strip the technical inside. The only thing left was the beautiful shape where I fell for the first time I saw them.

The shape made me think of new ‘sound’ items. But the best idea came later. The metal lampshade was perfect to create echo. That would be perfect for a wireless iPhone speaker. But still, I wanted the beautiful object still be beautiful after giving it a new function. Considering every little piece I took away or added could make or break the speaker. I think it became a very beautiful and contemporary object to have on your shelf.

* Special thanks to Kringwinkel Mechelen

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